Terruño: detrás del telón/Backdrop: The Search for Home, 2006-2008.

In 2006, I was awarded a Fulbright Scholar grant to implement Terruño: detrás del telón / Backdrop: The Search for Home, a series of photography and family history workshops, lectures, and an interactive exhibition project in El Salvador:

Through an intergenerational, transnational and transcultural lens, my photo-based work will serve as backdrop and catalyst for a living, collaborative, and creative exchange with a community, fashioning new frameworks about individual and collective identity and place.

A través de una lente intergeneracional, transnacional y transcultural, mi trabajo fotográfico servirá de telón de fondo y de catalizador, creando así un intercambio cooperative y artístico con una comunidad, labrando nuevos paradigmas sobre las nociones de identidad y de lugar, individuales y colectivos.

The Fulbright project brought together the lessons learned with my earlier work and teaching practice; incorporated the use of video; integrated more deliberately relational and interactive art practices into my own artistic vision; and connected me as an adult and professional artist to the people, recent history and cultural milieu of my country of birth.

For work directly resulting from the Fulbright residency, please see barquitos de papel/paper boats, Documented: The Community Blackboard, Yo Viajo,  Pax Tecum Filomena, and X post facto.

Terruño: detrás del telón / Backdrop: The Search for Home was co-sponsored by Fulbright, U.S. Embassy in San Salvador, MUNA: Museo Nacional de Antropología, and CCEsv: Centro Cultural de España, San Salvador.